Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Village People - Sculpy Clay

Welcome to the village! A passion for working with my hands and attention to detail brought about this peculiar project. As a girl my little friend Kelly introduced me to the world of polymer clay. That is where this village began. The older I've gotten the more ideas I get. If you look closely this image shows you the characters from Cinderella. (Disregard the Doctor and his wife and baby sprawled out on the ground in front of them...). From left to right we have Cinderella in her work clothes, followed by the Fairy God Mother, Prince Charming, Cinderella in her gown, the two step sisters and the Step Mother.
This gives you an idea of the size I'm working with. Why are they so small you might ask. When I was 12 I didn't have much cash and a limited supply of clay. Solution, smaller people! I guess it just stuck. This is King Arthur, the Princess and Lancelot.
Most of these little creatures are tucked away. However, I always looke forward to bringing out this Nativity before Christmas.

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