Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I have three beautiful sisters and I was lucky enough to get to see two of them last week, Wendy and Lynda. (Sorry Melissa, missed you!) At Wendy's apartment I saw that she had her portrait up that I drew for her as a wedding present. I just had to take a picture and share it with you. I think this was the first time I drew a picture of someone and not only did it actually look realistic, but it looked like the person I was studying!

Me and and Wendy.

I dug up some photos I took of the drawing before I framed it and gave it to her. I had to crop out some of the dress in order to frame it.

This is a close up... obviously. Happy 5th Anniversary Wendy! (this spring)
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  1. Wow Karen... Seriously, you drew that? I'm continually amazed at your talents. I've always wanted a sketch of my kids... Oh your possibilities...

  2. Hi Karen, I kept meaning to come over to your blog and say thanks for your comment on my blog about the house staging! I hope it went well for you. Selling a house with kids is always stressful. I think if I were to make a new list for people that are selling and have kids, my advice would be simply be 1. hire a nanny, or 2. give up ha! No but seriously, good luck (and we love your sister bytheway).

  3. What a talent!! Holy cow! Just another Karin thing coming out... you are amazing!!
