Monday, January 10, 2011

Card Boxes

I hope Christmas was beautiful for all of you! This year I some how was able to make homemade gifts for my parents and sisters. Had I started this in December it most certainly would not have been fun, but I gave myself enough time and really enjoyed myself! For my Mother and Sisters I created these card boxes. Each one is decorated to match their personality (in my opinion) and then filled with a variety of homemade cards.
I found the boxes to decorate at Michael's in the $1.oo section. They are recipe boxes and a great find! I cleaned them out and snatched their last four boxes.
I had planned on mod-podging the papers on but found that spray adhesive held everything in place fine enough. To unify the boxes I rubbed the edges with a sepia ink pad.
Like I said, I cleaned Michael's out of recipe boxes. I ended up paying 2 or 3 dollars for my box which is the larger one. It works though and is fun to look at on my desk. (Yes, I have been known to give myself gifts!)